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How to Get What You Really Want This Valentine's Day - Vintage Soul

How to Get What You Really Want This Valentine's Day

As the holiday full of love approaches I wanted to give you 3 quick tips on how to get what you really want this Valentine's Day.

This season can be fun and nerve-racking all at the same time for your spouse! Your significant other comes in and is perplexed at all of the choices! They are immediately intimidated and sheepishly ask for our help.

They tell us, “she shops in here all the time” or “she told me to get anything from Vintage Soul” and then we smile and help them out.

So I thought it’d be fun to give you 3 quick tips on how to get what you REALLY want from Vintage Soul this Valentines day!


Simple right?! But when they walk in, they are overwhelmed!! They have no idea where to start! Help them out by doing your research first!

Comb through the website, browse through the store, or watch social media for fun new things debuting! OR, just check out our Valentine's Day Wish List Collection.


As you know, sometimes we sell out quickly! So always give them more options than just one thing!


See something on social media?! Screenshot a picture! In the store and saw something you want but you can’t justify, snap a quick pic!

When they come in and beeline to the counter and show us a picture you sent to them, we ALL become winners at that point!

So, if you want something and you want them to be the HERO on this special holiday, follow these 3 simple rules and we think you just might get what you want this Valentines!

Julie Crawford Vintage Soul

Valentine's Day Gift List

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